10 August, 2010

Last minute chaos, in true West family fashion.

So in about a week we leave for our family trip. Tonight the van goes into the shop for a full makeover. Ok, well, maybe not a full makeover. As long as it shifts properly, doesn't pour oil from the engine when it's hot, doesn't stutter when we hit rain puddles and doesn't develop any NEW problems in the next 2 weeks I'm good. Cross your fingers. Unfortunately, having the van in the shop means no vehicle, which means I have to buck up and get as much as can be done at home, done. This will mean clearing out the space that will be worked on while we're gone. As soon as it is cleared out we'll replace it with camping stuff. I'll be glad to have space to organize and restock.

Over the next week I have a pizza party (that may be cancelled, I may just pass out goodies instead), the Walk for Depression, a birthday party, a family birthday party, and of course a trip out of town. Whoah, lol. I had better get busy...

1 comment:

Michelle ~ Blogging from the Boonies said...

Praying you're able to get things done and have a GREAT trip!