The summer hill, that is. We've reached that point where he list of what we want to do is longer than the days we have to do it all. Our summer was cut shorter by unexpected adventures (mainly Finn's surgery and an aging minivan) so we're going to have to settle for the adventures we've already had. The next 3 weeks are full of things but most of them are utilitarian and obligational kinds of things. (Yes, I know obligational isn't a word, I'm using it anyway because it sounds good). My to-do list grows every day even though I am crossing things off the list. We are hoping to have work done on the house while we are on vacation so there is tons of prep work required for that. I also have to figure out exactly what we need done and how much effort and money it will cost to do it. Packing for our vacation is a priority but we also have to either rent or buy a trailer to haul everything. The van is not happy, sluggish and getting terrible gas mileage, so it will need to go into the shop which could mean a last-minute vehicle purchase or rental. That could be interesting.
The garden is winding down. Carrots look great. My squash had some kind of issue and the zucchini plant died after just one decent zucchini. The yellow squash is still surviving but I don't think it'll last long. The tomatoes are still producing but the new flowers have diminished so I'm thinking the tomatoes will be as well. The tomatillos flowered and grew and grew and flowered but not one fruit. I don't really understand why, but they didn't get any further than the flowering stage. I am trying to figure out why or whether it's just too early, but right now it looks like tomatillos were a flop. Lettuce is done for the year, unless I plant some more, which I might. The basil is the size of a tree, strong and healthy. I'm rather fond of it.
Well, Sunday dinner on Saturday is ready and Neall will be home soon so this is me signing out. More later.
I'm raising cauliflower seedlings for fall gardening, I'll give you a couple when they're ready.
New car? Whoa that's big news!
Thanks Dawn! I need to see what else I have in my seed stash that is fall-friendly. I know there was something. I'm researching today and will probably order some seeds or seedlings if I can find what I want.
Yeah, the new car plan isn't ideal, but we may not have a choice. I'm actually leaning towards nursing it until it dies and buying Neall a car. That will reduce the wear and tear on the van and hopefully buy us some time. We're weeks from a road trip though, lol, of course. Always van trouble right before a road trip.
Yeah, road trips have been known to be the final nail in the car coffin. I wonder if renting a vehicle for your trip might be an option? Might be more economical than the wear and tear on yours.
It may not have been hot enough for long enough at the right time for the tomatillos. I think my mother had problems with tomatoes one year because it wasn't hot enough.
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