10 April, 2011


Pink is the color of spring and strawberries and happy. It is also now the color of my blog.

Things are moving along as planned (which is to say that they are moving along without any sort of rhyme or reason at all). Since I last posted the children and chickens have grown considerably. The chickie girls are all laying eggs at the rate of an egg a day each. This is more than we were expecting (about double!) but we're rolling with it. We're also giving eggs away, lol. The human children have also grown. If they start laying eggs I'll be sure to post about it. With the exception of math they are swimming through school work. Math will be online fun math games until further notice, starting tomorrow. We're all frustrated so it is time for a break. Well, it's not really a break since they're still practicing their skills, but maybe they won't notice ;). It IS a break for me.

The gardens have been mentally plotted. This week will see garden plots on paper and some plants in the ground. I've been perusing this website Coolest planning site ever and I've come away with an important piece of knowledge. Here it is: Don't follow the guidelines on the packages of seeds for spacing. I'm looking forward to much fuller gardens this year. Last year they were so sparse. The pictures and info on the website above show that the more vegetables and herbs you plant the fewer weeds can grow. Yay for fewer weeds!

Well, I think that's that for now. Look for pictures in the next post (yeah I know I always say that).

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