See my new blog design. I cheated. It's a template from the new template maker. I like. There was another neat one with raindrops and stuff that I thought would go well with the soggy theme. However, after starting at it for about 2 minutes it made me have to pee. I seriously doubt I'm the only woman with that problem. If I am just keep it to yourselves yeah? :P. Anyway, so this one is nice and sunny and I like it.
Speaking of sun, why does it have to be so incredibly blasted HOT for pagan picnic every year? We swam in sweat and annoyed the joyous masses with an excess of whining and then headed home much earlier than I'd originally planned. It was so hot that I couldn't even be under the tents long enough to shop. I had money and couldn't spend it. I hate that. So instead of rituals and workshops at pagan picnic I committed myself to attending church on Sunday (today). That is, I worked in my raised beds and pulled weeds. My disappointment at being run off by the sun from pagan picnic was exacerbated by a rough night on the crisis hotline. Gardening. The only answer.
While I was pulling weeds I pulled out the dying peas. I think a combination of diggy squirrels, soil settling and too much sun killed them off earlier than they should have gone. Next year things will be placed differently but for now I think I'll plant more lettuce to replace the peas. I also discovered that there was a seedling mixup. What I thought was broccoli but didn't grow the way broccoli should have is actually tomatillos. What I thought was tomatillos that got chewed to the dirt was actually the broccoli. Ok then, tomatillos are good. My tomatoes are awesome looking. I also have zucchini and squash growing. Yum!
All of this produce is going to help us reach our P90X goal. I know this workout is intense. I can barely meet the "before you get started" requirements but Neall says it's all mental. I tried an experiment and he is right. A pull up I didn't think I could do became manageable. That's all I needed, and with the love of my life and my best friend next to me I know I'll succeed. Fresh veggies picked from our garden add motivation, an opportunity to see our dedication at work, and might cut some of the sting from our higher grocery budget. Yay for us!
Family-influx 2010 is scheduled for the beginning of July. This is love/hate. Those of you with families understand this. I am both looking forward to catching up and dreading the change to our routines. We aren't particularly schedule-rigorous but when you're trying to coordinate quadruple the people it gets to be a bit chaotic. Nothing to do but prepare myself for the upheaval and put on a big smile. (Oh, and start vitamin C for everyone so we don't catch the new introduction of ickies).
Chickens are still in our immediate future. Neall is building a coop as soon as his days off aren't over-scheduled by me. Ok, so maybe near future isn't accurate, lol. "As soon as we can"is perhaps a better statement. First we have dentist visits for all, a doctor's appointment to address Finn's eye issues, a tattoo, art camp for the 3 oldest, sewing camp for Winnie, swimming every Friday we can manage it and a reading list to rival the card catalog at the library. I also have a pact with myself to explore the unexplored-by-us parks and attractions in the STL area. My intention is to selfishly blog our adventures so I can recall it all next year when "I'm boooorrreeeddd" becomes a mantra. So, ummm, chickens by fall? I hope.
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