02 March, 2010


We already know that the stereotypical SAHM (stay at home mom) lives a life of leisure, casually going on about her day, singing about doing the dishes and eating bon-bon's in front of the television during her afternoon break. Now, to be fair, I think that most people know that this is a far-fetched stereotype not grounded in any sort of reality. However, I am left wondering today where some other misconceptions of SAHM's come from.

Misconception: As a SAHM, you have lots of free time. Uh, no. While I do not have to pack up the kids, send them off to the bus stop, do my hair and makeup and go to work for 8 hours, come home and fix dinner, make sure homework gets done and send the kids off to bed, I DO have obligations. I have a routine. I have responsibilities that suck time and effort, energy and exuberance, just like if I was working outside of the home. My schedule, particularly as a SAHM who homeschools, is as full as the next mother's. In some ways it is more hectic. All of the things that children get at school have to be orchestrated by me. Enrichment activities and life lessons and artistic endeavours? All me. This is a particularly challenging challenge when you've got a myriad of age groups, as I have. So if I am frustrated by the lack of soccer teams that don't practice on Wednesday night, for example, it's because *I* am frustrated, not because those of you who need them to be late in the day don't deserve them as much as I do.

Misconception: As a SAHM, I can drop everything and run an errand for you. Big, fat, hairy NO. I'm sorry, but as willing as I am to help whomever needs it whenever I can, I am not a chauffeur, nurse, personal shopper, personal assistant, technical director or receptionist (just to name a few). I am a mom, a full time student and a household manager. I have kids who are busy with the things kids must do. *I* am busy with the things I must do. I can't just drop everything because I happen to not be on the clock at work. In effect, I AM on the clock at work. I have been since October of 2000 and I haven't gotten a lunch break yet.

Misconception: As a SAHM I am bright and bubbly and full of joy over every aspect of my life. Nope. I could wonder the same thing about you. How lovely it must be to get to have conversations with other adults without worrying about your 2yo puking on your shoes at that exact moment. Feeling less than the Beaver-Cleaver level of contentment 24/7 doesn't diminish the importance and overall joy I feel about my life. It means I'm busy, frazzled, sleep deprived and often overwhelmed. Just like you, only about different stuff. I'm allowed to vent about MY job just like you are allowed to vent about YOUR rough day at work. It's not a contest. It's not a dig against you. It's life.

And so, I leave you with some thoughts to ponder. While I've "wasted" this precious time writing this blog post the kids have spilled juice on the floor, the dog needs to go out and the sink that was empty and clean this morning is now full again. Back to work.

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