13 December, 2009


Day of rest my ass. As if. Under duress I've made a pumpkin pie (without the crust, nobody eats it anyway so why bother). I have frozen rolls rising and meat for beef stew thawing. I'll cut up veggies eventually for that, no hurry. I'm also planning to make Chex Mix since the ingredients keep getting eaten and I'm determined. If I don't make it now it'll never happen. I'm contemplating a fruit salad but not sure I have it in me. Maybe just blackberries and cream for dessert then. Or just Egg Nog. OH! I forgot about the Nog. I could swig some of that right now, get in the mood and all. The kids where absconded to the neighbor's house for a cookie party. I sincerely hope, for Don and Katie's sake, that that does not mean frosting and sprinkles. They are crazy neighbors (being republican and all) but I don't think even they are that crazy. Hopefully cookie party just means eating cookies, not creating them. I considered going over there but I conveniently have a pie in the oven and can't bring myself to enter the potential fray. I'll just have to trust that they know what they are doing and offer damage control after the fact ;).

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