20 December, 2009

Busy in a calm and serene way.

While I have dinner cooking (this is NOT a food blog, I SWEAR) I figured I'd say hello. Our weeks past have been a bit chaotic but things are finally settling into calm-before-the-storm mode. The trip to Disney instead of gifts thing has turned out to be one of the BEST ideas I have ever had. Neall was skeptical about my ability to stick to the agreement, but other than stuff from Santa, there are no gifts coming into this house. The Winter Fairies come tomorrow night. I have some lovely holiday shows waiting patiently for our viewing tomorrow night as the night lasts on and on, longer than any other night in a year. I have dinner planned (nothing fancy) and am looking forward to it immensely. We've been invited to Aunt Mary's house for Christmas Eve, which is a tradition that was abandoned for a few years. Amazingly I am also looking forward to that. Aunt Mary has delicious ham. The family adores our children nearly as much as we do, and it's a casual and humorous evening. That also takes care of a meal :P. Neall is off many days over the next 2 weeks due to holidays. I'm looking forward to having him home. I'm trying to get the house ready for Neall to be running the show. I'm having the Nova Sure procedure done on the 30th. While there is typically no major recovery period required, I plan on milking this for all it is worth. I will be sore that day and the next, so I hope Neall can run things without me. I don't have any grand plans for New Year. I am looking forward to parades and pancakes, turkey and potatoes, The Mall the day after Christmas and just being with my little family (with a dab of extended family tossed in for flavor). I wouldn't say I've found the Christmas spirit exactly, but I have agreed to let Christmas happen this year.

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